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Academy of Aesthetics and Laser
Code of Conduct

Academy of Aesthetics and Laser is committed to providing you a professional, positive environment for learning. 


Students are held to a standard of professionalism at the same level they would in our field. All students are responsible for speaking and acting respectfully to everyone on campus.


Open communication is essential to embracing a positive environment in school and the workplace.  If you have any questions, please ask your instructor.  Listen carefully and follow instructions.  If you need help please ask.  We want nothing more than for each student to succeed.


Any violation of the following guidelines could lead to discipline and expulsion. 

The school reserves the right to terminate any student whose personal conduct towards school staff, fellow students or clients is deemed unacceptable.


1.  Respect your fellow class mates and instructor.  Class starts at 9 am please be on time.

2.  Breaks and lunches will be scheduled please return promptly.  *Food and drinks are not allowed in treatment areas at any time.

3.  Phone calls:  Phones will be face down and on silent (not on vibrate) during class time.  Please make phone calls and reply to texts during breaks not class time.

4.  Smoking:  Smoking is permitted outside on breaks please dispose of cigarettes appropriately not on the ground.

5.  Cheating:  Is unacceptable and will be subject to discipline up to and including expulsion.

6.  Alcohol and drugs:  Possession and or use of alcohol or drugs ( unless prescribed by a physician ) on school property is strictly prohibited and are subject to discipline up to and including expulsion.

7.  Making up missed exams:  If a student misses taking an exam, a make up exam may be scheduled at the discretion of the instructor.  A different exam will be given. Make up exams are a privilege and in some cases may not be an option.  Please make every effort to be present for all exams.

8.  Dress code:  Personal hygiene daily is required.  A professional appearance is essential to overall image of today’s esthetician.  Dark grey healing hands scrubs, and closed toed shoes are required uniform.  The student will be sent home without credit and it will count as an absence when not in uniform.  

9.  Personal belongings and kits:  You are required to keep a neat work space.  Clean your area at the end of each day.  Please make sure to take any personal belongings home with you. The school will not be held liable for any items missing.

10.  Workplace duties:  We will post a weekly clinic duties assignment that will rotate through the class to be fair to all students.  These assignments are a part of your training and preparation for the field, prior to leaving each day the instructor has to sign off on duty assigned.

11.  Student services:  With instructors’ permission students can work on each other.  There will be a fee charged for students just wanting a service unless personal supplies purchased from the school are being used for service.  All student will have access to discounted rates on products through the schools purchasing power. 

12.  Weapons:  Weapons of any kind are prohibited on school property including the parking lot. Anyone who disregards this rule will be expelled immediately and the police will be notified.

13.  Parking:  Please park in the spots in front of the school.  If for some reason they are taken please park in the main area between the buildings on the next row not in front of other businesses.

14.  Absence and Tardiness:  In the case of the need to be absent please contact your instructor via telephone call and send an email to prior to school start time. Please note that more than 2 absences throughout the course will require a payment of $25 an hour for each hour missed.  Excessive tardiness will not be tolerated.

15.  Harassment, Bullying and disruptive behavior:  The school will not tolerate this type of behavior.  Persons who engage in such behavior are subject to discipline up to and including expulsion.  Please report any behavior to your instructor.

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